One reason to pay attention to AV-TEST reports is the willingness of company management to publish, in detail, the procedures used during the testing. Intel Security/McAfee Internet Security.The 2015 report starts out with good news, 'While the first test of OS X security solutions in 2014 revealed that many products had massive problems in malware detection, the results in the 2015 test were significantly better.' AV-TEST just released its 2015 survey, Mac OS X under attack - 10 security packages put to the test. Seeing an emerging trend, AV-TEST GmbH, an independent IT security and antivirus research house, started testing antimalware products for Apple in 2014, Mac OS X in the Crosshairs - 18 Malware Scanners Put to the Test. Just yesterday, my friend's Apple notebook caught some new form of ransomware and is completely locked up. Microsoft operating systems may soon have competition as the most popular malware targets, because the bad guys are making serious inroads with Apple products.